February 15: Kyle attends the BPS annual meeting and presents a poster.
February 12: Lindsay is awarded an NSF Career award. This funding will support our new efforts to understand how phosphoinositide lipids influence receptor clustering and signaling at the plasma membrane. We are grateful for the support of our research!
January 21: The lab celebrates our 4-year anniversary at MIT with homemade chocolate cupcakes. Looking forward to even more great science in 2025!

December 24: Lindsay is featured in a Cell Reports Voices article about “The next phase of biomolecular condensate research“
December 14-18: Katie and Xiaohang present their research at the ASCB Cell Bio Meeting in San Diego. Xiaohang presented a microsymposium talk and poster, and Katie presented a poster.
December 2: Xiaohang travels to the Shi Lab at Rutgers to collaborate on condensate experiments. Thanks to Zheng Shi and Huang Yang for hosting her!
November 6: Welcome Valerie Corapi to Building 68! Valerie will be providing administrative support to our research efforts.
October 24: We a fun lab game night with pizza and Mario Kart! Thanks to the social committee for organizing.
October 18: Congrats to Kyle for officially passing his Prelim!
October 15: Lindsay presents a seminar in the Biophysics Department at WashU. She had a great time learning about the exciting research in the department. She also got to catch up with former MSRP student Thomas who is a first year PhD student at WashU.
September 6-9: Lindsay and Maria attend the Keystone Symposium on Biomolecular Condensates. Both Lindsay and Maria presented talks. It was great learning about exciting new research in the condensate community.
September 3: Welcome to our newest lab member Sophy Vuong!
August 14: End of summer lunch outing with the Lab. Once again the summer is flying by!
July 14-19: Lindsay attends the Signaling by Adhesion Receptors GRC in New Hampshire.
June 21: Congrats to Jibin for receiving a National Cancer Center Postdoctoral Fellowship! This fellowship will support his efforts to understand how cancer cell migration is altered during stress.
June 11: Our newest paper is published! Xiaohang contributed some data to a study investigating talin phase separation. Congrats to co-first authors Thomas Litschel and Charlotte Kelley from the Schwille Lab on their beautiful work!
June 10-11: The lab attends the annual Building 68 retreat in Cape Cod. We had fun sharing our science and learning more about the exciting research in our building. Xiaohang gave a great talk and the rest of the lab presented posters. Congrats to Maria for winning a poster prize!

June 4: Lab lunch to celebrate the start of summer. Welcome to MIT UROP students Sofia Galiana and Devin Baynes who will be working in the lab over the summer!

May 14-17: Jibin and Xiaohang attend the EMBL phase separation symposium and present posters on their projects.
April 25: Lindsay presents a seminar at the Johns Hopkins Mechanical Engineering Department.
April 15-18: Lindsay attends the European Cytoskeletal Forum in Birmingham England.
April 12: The lab goes out for bowling and pizza. A fun way to spend a rainy afternoon. Thanks to Maria for organizing.

April 9: Welcome to rotation student Ellen!
April 8: Congrats to former UROP student Victoria Yang on receiving an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship! They plan to enroll in a Bioengineering PhD program after graduating from MIT this spring.
March 7-9: Lindsay attends the Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposium.
February 11: Lindsay presents at the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting in the “Phase Separation in Membrane and Lipids” Symposium.
January 9: Lindsay presents in the virtual Condensate Colloquium Series.
January 1: Lindsay joins the 2024 Early Career Advisory Board for the Journal of Cell Biology!
December 30: Xiaohang is awarded an American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship. This funding will support her project investigating the material properties of focal adhesion condensates. Congrats Xiaohang!
December 12: Holiday party with the Prescott and Weissbourd labs. Thanks for the Prescott Lab for organizing!
December 6-10: Xiaohang, Maria, and Nick each presented minisymposium talks at the Cell Bio 2023 annual meeting.
November 30: Lindsay and Laurie Boyer received an Innovation Seed Funding from the MIT School of Science William Bowman Fund. This funding will support a new collaborative effort between the Boyer and Case Labs to understand how tissue mechanics drives cellular senescence.
November 28: Jibin is selected for the 2024 Koch Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship. This funding from the Ludwig Center at MIT will support his project investigating how cancer cells sense and respond to stress during cell migration and metastasis. Congrats Jibin!
October 1: Xiaohang’s review about phase separation in signaling and mechanotransduction is published in Current Opinion in Cell Biology. Our article is part of a special issue on cell signaling. Congrats Xiaohang!
September 18: Congratulations to Nick, Maria, and Xiaohang, who were all selected to give talks at the Annual Cell Biology meeting this December. We are excited to share our newest research findings with the cell bio community!
September 15: To celebrate Fall we went apple picking as a lab. It was a beautiful, sunny day and we came back with some tasty apples! Thanks to Maria, Kyle, and Jibin for organizing a fun lab outing.

September 6: It is the official start of the fall semester. Welcome back to campus to all the students. This semester, Lindsay is teaching 7.51 (graduate biochemistry) and Kyle is as TA for 7.012 (Introductory Biology). Let the learning begin!
August 10: The MSRP end-of-summer poster session was today and Thomas presented a poster!
August 9: The end of summer is quickly approaching. We had lunch at Shybird in honor of Thomas and Alisha’s last week in the lab.
August 8: We are revamping the break room. First up is a new couch. More decorations will be coming soon!

June 30: Lindsay is chosen as a Vice Chair of the next Cell Contact and Adhesion Gordon Conference.
June 26: Lindsay presents our recent findings at the Cell Contact and Adhesion Gordon Conference.
June 20: Welcome to our newest lab member Katie Stratton! Katie graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in May and is joining the lab as a research technician.
June 8-9: We had a great time at our annual building retreat! Maria gave a great talk and Jibin and Xioahang presented posters. We all got to learn more about all of the awesome science happening in our building.

June 6: Lab lunch outing to kick off the start of summer. Looking forward to an exciting summer of science and new experiments!

June 5: Welcome to our summer undergrad students Alisha and Thomas!
June 1: Welcome to our newest lab member Kyle White! Kyle is a PhD student in the Biology Graduate Program.
May 27: Our project was selected for funding by the MIT Research Support Committee! Thanks to Jibin for collecting the preliminary data for the proposal. This funding from the Solomon Buchsbaum Fund will support a new project in the lab that Jibin is spearheading.
May 1: Daniel is selected for the Gruber Science Fellowship at Yale – Congratulations!!
April 15: Congrats to Daniel for a successful year applying to graduate school. He has chosen to enroll in the Yale BBS PhD program this Fall!
April 11: Welcome to rotation students Matt and Kyle!
March 30-31: Lindsay visits UT Southwestern to discuss her career with the Alliance of Women Scientists and present our research on focal adhesion phase separation.
March 7: Welcome to rotation students Lillie and Connor!
March 1: Lindsay presents our research at the LLPS Workshop in Singapore.
February 15: Our review on cell signaling is published at WIRES Mechanisms of Disease. Congrats Maria!!!
January 3: Jibin Sadasivan joins the lab as a postdoc. Jibin completed his PhD in the Jan Lab at the University of British Columbia where he studied how viruses manipulate stress granule formation. Welcome Jibin!
January 1: Happy New Year!!! Maria Ullo is awarded a 2023 Koch Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship supported by the Ludwig Center at MIT. Congrats Maria!
December 14: It’s the last day of classes for the fall semester! Good luck to all the students on their final exams.
December 3-7: The lab attends Cell Bio 2022 with the American Society of Cell Biology in Washington D.C. Lindsay co-organized a subgroup (“Organization and function of condensates on membranes”). Maria, Xiaohang, Nick and Daniel all presented posters. We had a great time sharing our science at our first in-person ASCB meeting as a new lab!

November 22: Congrats to Nick, the lab’s fearless first grad student, for passing his prelim exam!!! It’s not easy being the first, but he is paving the way for future students.
November 1: Lindsay is honored to be named the Irwin and Helen Sizer Career Development Professor by the School of Science. She is grateful for the additional support for her research and career!
October 28: We had fun celebrating at the Biology Department Halloween Party! It was great to see so many people from across the department. We may have to up our costume game next year…

October 4: Lindsay receives the NIH New Innovator Award! We are grateful for the funding to support our investigations of integrin dependent mechanotransduction over the next five years. Check out the MIT news article about the award.
September 9: We took a river cruise on the Charles River to celebrate the end of summer and beginning of fall. We couldn’t have asked for nicer weather! Enjoying the last few warm days of summer before the seasons change.

September 7: First day of classes at MIT. Welcome (back) to campus to all the undergrads and new graduate students. Lindsay is helping to teach 7.51 (graduate biochemistry) for the first time this year.
August 19: Dr. Yansong Miao visits the lab and gave a seminar on condensation and actin regulation in plants. Glad he had time to stop by during his trip to the east coast.
July 22: First publication from the lab is out today! Our methods paper in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology outlines how to make supported lipid bilayers, reconstitute signaling clusters, and quantify actin polymerization with TIRF microscopy. Postdocs Xiaohang Cheng and Maria Ullo tested and optimized these protocols during their first six months in the lab. Congrats on the paper!
June 24: Lunch with the lab to kick off summer. Shades on and ready to enjoy the weather!

June 21: It is officially the first day of summer, and we now have our full summer crew in the lab. Welcome to Akshay, the newest UROP to join the lab! Akshay will be working with Maria to start developing tools to study phosphoinositide lipids.
June 8: We get to welcome Ezra back to the lab for his first summer UROP! He’s hit the ground running with cloning constructs to make some new proteins.
June 6: Today kicks off the 2022 Building 68 retreat! So fun to hear what our colleagues are working on and talk about science in person. Congrats to Nick for giving a great talk.
May 27: It’s graduation day at MIT! Congrats to Marina for graduating course 5-7. She will be joining the Harvard Chemistry and Chemical Biology PhD program this fall. We are excited to see what you will accomplish!
May 12: Lindsay is selected as a Searle Scholar. She is grateful for the support of our research program and excited to join this awesome community of scientists!
May 10: Lindsay joins the Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research as an extramural faculty.
April 20: Marina is selected as recipient of the 2022 Department of Chemistry Research Award for outstanding achievement in research. Congratulations Marina!!
April 11: Lindsay’s perspective about condensates on membranes is published in Nature Cell Biology.
April 4: Jonathan is transitioning to a permanent administrative assistant in the department. We are excited to keep working with him as our lab grows. Congrats!
March 21-24: Lindsay attends the American Chemical Society meeting to present recent work on receptor organization through phase separation.
March 8: Lindsay starts lecturing in 7.003 (undergraduate applied molecular biology laboratory).
March 2: Lindsay speaks in the online Condensates.com seminar series. If you missed the live talk, check out the recording here.
February 7: Welcome Gautam, our first ever CSB rotation student!
January 27: The first rotation begins in the BioGrad program. Welcome Hannah!
January 26: Welcome to Daniel Akwa, our new research technician! Daniel previously worked in the Beckman Lab at Auburn University using biochemistry to study protein deubiquitylation.
January 24: A warm welcome to our newest postdoc, Maria Ullo! Maria completed her Ph.D. in the Logue lab at Albany Medical College, where she studied the actin cytoskeleton in leader bleb-based migration of confined cells.
January 4: Welcome Kristen Si, an MIT freshman who will be working in the lab during IAP!
December 20: Goodbye and good luck to Milagros! It has been a crazy year to start a new lab: installing new equipment; chasing down gloves, pipettes and tubes; cloning new plasmids; optimizing new protocols. Our lab has accomplished so much in 2021, and we couldn’t have done it without the hard work and dedication of Milagros. We will miss you!
November 5: Lindsay is selected for the 2022 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Young Investigator Program. This grant will provide funding for the lab for three years.
November 3: Welcome Xiaohang Cheng, our first postdoc! Xiaohang completed her Ph.D. in the Benzanilla Lab at Dartmouth University, where she studied the role of Formins and Rho GTPases in regulating the cytoskeleton in a moss model organism.
September 17: Welcome to our newest UROP student Ezra Yaador!
August 27: The summer is quickly coming to an end. Our UROPs Victoria and Maria gave an end of summer presentation in lab meeting. It was great to see what they learned and accomplished over the summer.
July 27: To celebrate the lab’s first six months, we have our first in-person lab outing. Really exciting to see how far we’ve come, and where we are heading.

June 7: Summer is officially here! Welcome to our UROP students Marina and Victoria, who will be working with us full-time this summer.
May 24: Welcome to our newest lab member Nick Lea! Nick is a PhD student in the Biology Graduate Program.
May 6: Our TIRF microscope is installed! We are ready to start some exciting imaging experiments.

April 1: Listen now to the Quanta Magazine Podcast about biomolecular condensates. Lindsay’s research is featured!
March 22: We have purified our first protein! Thanks to rotation students Christina and Nick for helping with the cloning, expression, and purification.

March 11: Welcome to our newest lab member Marina Monsivais! Marina is currently a junior at MIT.
March 4: Our Chromatography Systems are installed. We are ready to start making protein!!!

February 2: Lindsay is interviewed for MIT News Article “3 Questions: Lindsay Case on how cells organize and sense the world“
January 27: Our first equipment arrives. The lab is starting to come together!

January 19: The lab is officially open for business! Can’t wait to get the science started. Milagros De Pasquale is our first lab member. Welcome to the team!

January 7: Story about the rapid progress and unanswered questions in the Condensate field in Quanta Magazine. Lindsay’s work in the Rosen Lab is featured!
March: Lindsay wins the Brown-Goldstein Award and is featured in the UT Southwestern Center Times.
January: Lindsay is named a Damon Runyon Dale F. Frey Breakthrough Scientist.